Trevor Bruce

Petrichor Concepts                          

Trevor Bruce obtained a BSc Mechanical Engineer from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa in 2005 and was registered as a PR Engineer with the Engineering Council of South Africa in 2016. Since graduating Trevor has worked in the mining and metals industry and in 2007 joined the IMP Automation team in South Africa. Starting as a sales engineer and shortly moving into the design and project management of the automation division, the development and integration of automated laboratory solutions for the mining and minerals industry was his primary function. During the last 8 years Trevor has been responsible for the design of end-to-end sampling and analytical solutions (primary sampling to final analysis) for the IMP group of companies, both in his capacity as Engineering Manager of IMP SA’s automation division, until March 2016, and subsequently as Director of Petrichor Concepts (consultants to IMP) .

From several mine and plant site visits, Trevor has had exposure to various sampling and sample preparation practices and techniques used around the world. He has carried out assessments and studies across Brazil, the USA, Russia, the DRC, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Australia, Morocco and South Africa, providing him with a broad understanding of what various countries understand and expect out of good sampling practices. Trevor has specific experience in Iron ore sampling and sample preparation and is a member of the International ISO TC 102 committee (South African contingent).

Trevor’s appetite for understanding sampling was sparked during a course on the Theory of Sampling at the University of the Witwatersrand. This, together with the continued study of sampling theory and its application to various product types, Trevor has put a large amount of focus on how to interpret Sampling Theory and define it in a simple manner that can be practicably and feasibly applied to sampling systems around the world.