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Simon C. Dominy - IPGSA

Simon C. Dominy

Technical Director – Exchange Minerals Ltd
Associate Director – Strategia Worldwide Ltd

Simon Dominy is a mining professional whose career has included technical and leadership roles in mine operations, academia and consulting. He is particularly interested in the integration of geology, mining engineering and mineral processing through the application of strategic and tactical geometallurgy. Dominy has extensive expertise in the evaluation and exploitation of various gold orebody styles and has developed cross-disciplinary skills in resource development programmes, project studies and underground mine operations. As such he has extensive experience of auditing, designing and managing sampling programmes across the complete mine value chain. He is a globally recognised leader in the sampling of coarse gold-bearing high-nugget deposits. He has additional experience in the sampling of alluvial (gold and tin), base metal and industrial mineral deposits. Recent assignments have included: characterisation studies; sample size determination; sample protocol optimisation; metallurgical sampling; sampling tower design; bulk sampling and trial mining programme planning and management; pilot/test plant design; and production grade control protocols. Beyond general/introductory courses on sampling, Theory of Sampling and QAQC, he regularly presents focussed courses in: Underground mine grade control sampling; Sampling of coarse-gold high-nugget effect deposits; and Bulk sampling for complex gold deposit evaluation.

He has published over 85 peer-reviewed conference and journal papers on topics ranging from tin, gold, kaolinite/china clay and REE economic geology; sampling/Theory of Sampling; geometallurgy; resource/reserve estimation; mining geology; underground narrow vein mining; and mineral processing. He is currently a co-editor on the “Geometallurgy” special issue of open-access journal Minerals. Dominy is an adjunct professor at the Western Australian School of Mines (WASM), Curtin University, and a visiting associate professor at the Camborne School of Mines (CSM), University of Exeter, UK.

Simon has been involved in the organisation of a number of AusIMM conferences, as both Chair and on organising committees including: International Mining Geology Conference series (2003, 2006, 2009 and 2011); International Geometallurgy Conference series (2011, 2013 and 2016); Narrow Vein Mining Conference series (2008, 2012 and 2018); Sampling Conference series (2010, 2012 and 2014) and World Conference on Sampling and Blending (2017). During 2018, Simon is on the organising committees for Geomet 2018 and FINEX 2018 (London: IOM3) and Geomet 2018 (Brisbane: AusIMM). In addition, he sits on a number of committees including: Applied Mineralogy Group of the Mineralogical Society of GB, PERC Reporting Code Committee, Applied Earth Sciences Board of the IOM3, and the Chartership Committee of the Geological Society of London.