The purpose of the International Pierre Gy Sampling Association (hereinafter referred to as IPGSA) is to oversee the formal activities of the international sampling community and to represent the views of this community as it sees appropriate. The Association is not a legally constituted body, but is a common-interest, unincorporated association of persons solely bound together for the common purpose of promoting the interests of the international sampling community and its various activities. The Constitution of the Association incorporates the rules identifying in whom control of the Association and its funds is vested. The Association is headed by a Council, the membership of which is specified in Clause 2 below.
The Council of the Association has the authority to award the right to a Country and an appropriate organising committee to host the biennial World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB), which draws together the world’s leading sampling experts, practitioners and manufacturers to promote, network, discuss and share the latest advances in the theory and practice of sampling and blending, including scientific research and technological developments. Participants from industry, government, academia, public and private organisations attend WCSB conferences with the common goal of advancing the Theory of Sampling (TOS). The conference Proceedings, published by various institutional or learned journal publishers, play an important role in representing and documenting the current state of the art in sampling and blending.
Relevant scientific news and the latest organisational matters of interest to all are conveyed to the international scientific community through the scientific magazine TOS Forum. This is a free-of-charge publication and the IPGSA Council elects its Editor for a four year period. The Council also has the responsibility for securing adequate funding for the continued publication of TOS Forum, more specifically for the difference between the production costs and the sponsorship/advertising funding successfully procured by the Editor.
The Council is further responsible for establishing and maintaining a homepage for the IPGSA. The homepage shall function as a portal for WCSB proceedings, which must either be directly downloadable (Open Access) or downloadable via a commercial option that must be fully accessible from this portal. The TOS Forum Editor and the association homepage Webmaster shall work closely together to foster a coherent communication and outreach strategy.
Finally, the IPGSA Council is responsible for recognising outstanding contributions and excellence in the teaching and application of the Theory of Sampling via the Pierre Gy Sampling Gold Medal, as well as recognition of distinguished service in the sampling community and encouraging young authors at WCSB conferences by appropriate means.
President of the IPGSA Council – elected for a four year term by the IPGSA Council at alternate WCSB biennial conferences. The President organises the work of the Council and makes appropriate practical task assignments. In case of a vacancy, the Council shall appoint an acting President to fill the position until the next election.
Vice-President – elected for a four year term in the same way as the President of the IPGSA Council and can represent the President when required. The Vice-President also acts as Secretary of the IPGSA Council.
Council Member – elected for a four year term in the same way as the President and Vice-President of the IPGSA Council.
TOS Forum Editor – elected for a four year term by the IPGSA Council.
IPGSA Homepage Webmaster – elected for a four year term by the IPGSA Council.
Pierre Gy Sampling Gold Medal Committee – consists of all past Pierre Gy Sampling Gold Medal recipients plus two additional members elected by Council.
International Advisory Committee – consists of international sampling specialists appointed by the IPGSA Council for providing advice to the Council.
Conference Host Country – responsible for appointing a WCSB Chair in consultation with the IPGSA Council and establishing an Organising Committee responsible for organising the conference and its Proceedings.
WCSB Chair – appointed by the Conference Host Country to chair the Conference Organising Committee.
WCSB Delegate – a registrant at a conference.
Life Member – all past WCSB Chairs and IPGSA Presidents.
The role of WCSB Chair and President of the IPGSA Council may, or may not, be filled by the same person. Similarly, the role of the TOS Forum Editor and the IPGSA webmaster, may, or may not be occupied by the same person.
The IPGSA Council shall consist of the current President, Vice-President (Secretary), Editor TOS Forum and eight other Members. Council membership shall be decided upon by secret ballot conducted by the IPGSA Council at alternate WCSB conferences based on nominations received from members of the Council and the sampling community. Outgoing elected members are eligible for re-election. Nominations shall reach the President at least one month before the beginning of the relevant WCSB conference at which elections will be held. The President and all other Council members will be elected by a simple majority of votes cast by Council members. In the event of a tie, the successful candidate shall be determined by tossing a coin. The term of office for elected Council members is the period between alternate WCSB conferences, i.e. four years.
Council will meet as needed but, as a minimum, at each WCSB conference and once between conferences. Council meetings shall be conducted either in person or via electronic communication means.
The Council is responsible for policy decisions, deliberating and formulating IPGSA initiatives as appropriate, selecting Host Countries for WCSB conferences, and all dealings with Host Countries in this context. The Council is also responsible for developing strategic plans for TOS Forum based on proposals from the Editor and taking the necessary actions to secure the funding needed to publish TOS Forum.
In determining Council decisions, voting shall be by a simple majority of those attending Council meetings either in person or via electronic communication means. The President shall have a second or casting vote when needed.
In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will manage Council proceedings and will hold the proxy vote of the President, his own vote as Vice-President, and the President’s casting vote if required.
The procedure for selecting Host Countries is detailed in section 7 below.
Unless otherwise determined, Council members are personally responsible for the costs of attending meetings of Council.
The IPGSA Advisory Committee is chaired by the IPGSA President who is an ex officio member of the Committee. In the absence of the IPGSA President, the Members of the Advisory Committee will vote to elect a Chair for that meeting only.
All countries with an interest in sampling and blending shall be entitled to nominate a Member (and an Alternate) of the IPGSA Advisory Committee. Nominations shall be submitted at the general assembly arranged during WCSB conferences.
The International Advisory Committee is responsible for provision of advice to the IPGSA Council and a prime support base for WCSB conferences by:
The Advisory Committee shall meet at least at each WCSB conference and discuss any matter except those specifically reserved as the responsibility of Council. Voting will be by a simple majority of those present and eligible to vote with the Chair of the meeting having a casting vote.
The Council may establish Taskforces to provide a forum to discuss key issues that have global reach and can be usefully addressed by the wider network of the Council. The Taskforces may also help in shaping WCSB conferences. International Advisory Committee members are encouraged to play an active role in one or more of these Taskforces, which shall at least meet at each WCSB conference.
The Council determines the Taskforce terms of reference and deadline, and constitutes the Taskforce members directly from willing members of the sampling and related communities with the appropriate knowledge and competencies. Taskforces report formally on their activities at Council meetings. The Chair of a Taskforce should preferably, but not necessarily, come from the Council membership at the time of its establishment. The Council will regularly review the continuation of Taskforces, which generally have a limited lifetime.
The Pierre Gy Sampling Gold Medal (PGSGM) in memory of Dr Pierre Gy, the father of the modern Theory of Sampling (TOS), recognises a lifetime of distinguished service and advancement in the teaching, dissemination and practice of the Theory of Sampling. The PGSGM Committee will select the recipient to be presented with the medal at each WCSB conference. The host country organising committee shall bear the cost of production of the gold medal. Members of the IPGSA Council and International Advisory Committee may nominate candidates for the PGSGM and submit nominations to the Chair of the PGSGM Committee no later than three months prior to each WCSB conference. Nominating members must provide a CV of the candidate, the names and contact details of two supporters, and a summary of the achievements and contributions of the candidate. Voting will be by simple majority of the PGSGM Committee. The Chair will have a casting vote, but only when there is no apparent conflict of interest in exercise of the casting vote. In unusual circumstances, the Committee may decide to make the award to a maximum of two candidates.
The Pierre Gy Sampling Gold Medal may be awarded posthumously if decreed by sad necessity.
The IPGSA Council may announce an award, to be known as the “Distinguished Service Award‟, to persons who over a sustained period have made distinguished and noteworthy contributions to the organisational activities of the Association and/or its conferences. Recipients of such an award may be nominated by any member of the IPGSA Council or International Advisory Committee no later than three months prior to each WCSB conference. The Award may only be awarded posthumously when the recipient dies in the period between the decision to make the Award and the presentation ceremony.
The Organising Committees of WCSB conferences may arrange Young Author Awards for the most outstanding papers presented by young authors at WCSB conferences to encourage their participation. To qualify, the principal author must be less than 35 years of age at the date of the conference. The Award will be a scroll signed by the IPGSA President which may, at the discretion of the conference Organising Committee, be accompanied by a monetary prize the cost of which will be met by the Organising Committee. The Organising Committee shall ensure that it is communicated clearly to all authors submitting papers for a conference that Young Author Awards are proposed. The Organising Committee may choose not to make a Young Author Award. The Award can be made only once to any person.
The IPGSA has no permanent source of income. However, in order to support the role of the President and the administrative costs of the informal IPGSA secretariat, a levy of EUR 25 per WCSB delegate shall be paid to the IPGSA by the Host Country within three months of the end of a WCSB conference. The IPGSA Council will review the amount of this levy from time to time. The IPGSA Council is responsible for establishing an appropriate international bank account.
The IPGSA Council will call for proposals to hold the next WCSB conference at least three months in advance of each awarded conference. Issues to be addressed in proposals include:
Bids are to be received by the President of the IPGSA Council by the date indicated in the Call for Proposals. The call should be made public in an issue of the TOS Forum at an appropriate time determined by Council. The Council will then meet, either in person or via videoconference, to review and discuss all bids.
The final decision on the successful bid will be by a ballot of Council members. In the event of a tie, the President, having no conflict of interest, shall have the deciding vote and choose between the tied bids. If the President has a conflict of interest, the Vice-President shall have the casting vote.
The Conference Organising Committee as broadly outlined in the successful conference bid is responsible to the IPGSA Council for implementing an enabling structure to ensure effective planning and carriage of the conference. While the structure of the Organising Committee is not pre-determined, it shall be established so that its composition and operation is appropriate to carry out all the necessary duties and meet its responsibilities. The Organising Committee will regulate its own affairs in accordance with internal rules and procedures. In the interests of continuity, the Organising Committee is encouraged to co-opt the Chairs of previous WCSB conferences and the President or Vice-President of the IPGSA Council. These persons do not need to physically attend meetings, but should be kept informed of deliberations to enable provision of advice and other assistance as required.
The Organising Committee is required to fund production of the Pierre Gy Sampling Gold Medal as well as the Distinguished Service Award and Young Author Awards if a monetary prize is included by including these costs in the WCSB conference budget.
Copyright of WCSB conference papers will be held by the authors and not the organising body. Consequently, authors will be free to submit their work included in the Proceedings to a scientific journal of their choice after the conference. Such journals will apply their own reviewing rules. Notwithstanding the above, the organisers of a conference may publish Proceedings for the conference. The Organising Committee must as a minimum provide delegates with copies of all abstracts accepted for the conference in an appropriate electronic form with a hard copy version for use at the conference. Furthermore, the Organising Committee must undertake to make the Proceedings of WCSB conferences publicly available (commercially or Open Access; the latter is preferred) after the conference in an appropriate way, eg, via the IPGSA internet portal. The Association has pioneered an Open Access facility for production of WCSB proceedings, which may or may not be used by the organizing body (see
Proposals for amendments to this Constitution may be submitted by any member of the IPGSA Council or International Advisory Committee. Such submissions must reach the President of the IPGSA Council at least three months prior to the next meeting of Council. A two-thirds majority of those present at the Council meeting either in person or via videoconference is required to approve an amendment.